音と感情とオーディエンスと一体になって戯れるように遊び、時に人間の根源に潜む喜怒哀楽を剥き出しにする演奏で、これまで朝霧JAM、TAICOCLUB、RUSH BALL、SYNCHRONICITYなど数々のフェスに出演し、FUJI ROCK FESTIVALでは前夜祭のトリを務め会場を熱狂に包んだ。
また、眼鏡市場やTOYOTA VOXYのCM音楽に抜擢されるなど、各方面で注目が集まる。
“Rega” is a Japanese instrumental band which consists of 4 members: guitarist Ryuji Ide, bassist Akinobu Aoki, drummer Takafumi Miyake and guitarist Akira Yotsumoto. They hail from Ehime, a south-western part of Japan, and carry on their activities now in Tokyo.
Their live performance which expresses rush of their emotions is overwhelming and gains high reputation from audience, industry parties and artists throughout the world.
Their music is created out of their each music background such as alternative rock, progressive, funk, post rock, organic groove, punk, jazz, techno, electronica and so on, and their soulful music surpasses such genre. While their songs are composed thoroughly, precisely and carefully, they cast human warmth with the pleasant melody.
Their emotional live performance has been drawing attention and have performed at many prominent festivals such as Fuji Rock Festival, TAICO CLUB, RUSHBALL, StarFes, BAYCAMP, SYNCHRONICITY, Asagiri JAM, DIESEL XXX and so on.
SYNCHRONICITY' 16&15&14&13&12GFB'15&'14&'12&'11SUN BURST 2014BAYCAMP 2014&201302&201202Shima fes SETOUCH 2014&2013FUJI ROCK FESTIVAL 2013BRAHMAN Tour 相克 2013StarFes.'13豪雪JAM 2013TAICO CLUB'12RUSHBALL2012&2010朝霧JAM 2011COMIN'KOBE 11MUSIC CUBE 11渚音楽祭2010&2009MEGA☆ROCKS 2009DIESEL XXX 2008海外(香港, 韓国, フィリピン)